Saturday, May 2, 2009

The ONE and ONLY

This will be the ONE and ONLY post about myself... This blog isn't about me and I don't plan to pour my emotions out on the world wide web. I have my friends, family, and a journal for that! Instead, I plan to give you my 'generation beyond' thoughts on life,its experiences, and its many, MANY lessons.

But in order to know where my thoughts are going, you need to know where I've been. So here's a few quick facts about me:

1.) I'm a complex person, which means...
Even when you think you know me, I WILL surprise you... I STILL surprise myself!
I can't describe myself in one word... maybe not even one sentence.
I act at extremes... I'm tough, I'm sensitive...I'm a person of opposites.

2.)I was raised in a single parent home, which means...
I'm EXTREMELY independent, sometimes TOO much for my own good.
I LOVE my mom and plan to give her the world. She's my (super)hero!
My father isn't in my life. Do I miss him?! Every blue moon...
I wasn't raised around the eternal commitment of marraige and (secretly) it scares me...

3.) I grade on a scale from 1 to 100, which means...
I don't trust easily.
I have a wall protecting my emotions that has been under construction since I was young.
I question your actions before I accept them.
I may try to push you away to make sure you are here to stay.

4.) I recognize the power of laughter, which means...
I try to keep situations lighthearted.
I'm pretty hilarious... dry humor, but funny nonetheless.
I surround myself with funny people... my friends are characters yes indeed.

4.) I currently in a metamorphosis, which means...
I'm indentifying my flaws.
I'm trying to eracidate the wrongs in myself, but it's a slow process.
I'm embracing my good qualities and making sure others take notice.

Overall, I'm a work in progress...trying to become a better me!