But in order to know where my thoughts are going, you need to know where I've been. So here's a few quick facts about me:
1.) I'm a complex person, which means...
Even when you think you know me, I WILL surprise you... I STILL surprise myself!
I can't describe myself in one word... maybe not even one sentence.
I act at extremes... I'm tough, I'm sensitive...I'm a person of opposites.
2.)I was raised in a single parent home, which means...
I'm EXTREMELY independent, sometimes TOO much for my own good.
I LOVE my mom and plan to give her the world. She's my (super)hero!
My father isn't in my life. Do I miss him?! Every blue moon...
I wasn't raised around the eternal commitment of marraige and (secretly) it scares me...
3.) I grade on a scale from 1 to 100, which means...
I don't trust easily.
I have a wall protecting my emotions that has been under construction since I was young.
I question your actions before I accept them.
I may try to push you away to make sure you are here to stay.
4.) I recognize the power of laughter, which means...
I try to keep situations lighthearted.
I'm pretty hilarious... dry humor, but funny nonetheless.
I surround myself with funny people... my friends are characters yes indeed.
4.) I currently in a metamorphosis, which means...
I'm indentifying my flaws.
I'm trying to eracidate the wrongs in myself, but it's a slow process.
I'm embracing my good qualities and making sure others take notice.
Overall, I'm a work in progress...trying to become a better me!